Literary Legend

PHOTO PROMPT © Jeff Arnold

I tapped away, excitedly setting my story in print.  Another sip of wine, the prose flourished.  Tap, tap, tap another slug.  My creative wires connected, sparking.  I opened a bottle.  My masterpiece!  I knocked back another glass.  No writer’s block here, I typed feverishly.  Ideas kept coming, so did the Rioja.  Words flew into the perfect piece. Leaning back in my worn leather chair, I re-read the text.  Excellent, superb, exceptional there are insufficient superlatives to describe my talent!


Pounding head in hands, light paining my bloodshot eyes, misery and despair my new companions.  What a pile of …!

Word Count: 100

Written for Friday Fictioneers – a 100 words story based on a photo prompt. Hosted by Rochelle. Read the other entries here.

42 thoughts on “Literary Legend

  1. James McEwan says:

    Your story made me smile – “My Masterpiece!” – those famous words of self appreciation.
    Oh Clare, please don’t despair or wallow in a pit of self-misery.
    It is clear to me you have reached into the literary world of the great writers like
    Dorothy Parker, Jack Kerouac, William Faulkner, Charles Bukowski and Ernest Hemingway. (there are many more). Patricia Highsmith, (The Talented Mr Ripley), wrote with a looming sense of anxiety and doom and believed that drink was essential for the artist.
    So, Clare you are in bad company; don’t put yourself down – just the bottle.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Brenda's Thoughts says:

    I’ve had ideas in the middle of the night, written them down, and looked at them in the morning thinking, “What was I thinking? It’s rubbish.” The same goes for a short story or two. But, in the end I’ve been pleased with a few. Your story resonated with me. Nicely done! =)

    Liked by 1 person

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